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Using Belleville Springs
on Ball Valves
One of the most prevalent causes for ball valve leaks is the loss of bolt preload. When Belleville springs are added to the gland as well as the seat spring of a ball valve, they ensure that the bolt preload is retained to greatly reduce fugitive emissions. Additionally, using Belleville springs on ball valves can extend the life of packing, improve performance, and reduce the overall cost of ownership.
This white paper will discuss the benefit of live loading ball seats and gland followers, placement of Belleville springs around the seat, the application of Belleville springs on floating ball valves, and which material of springs to use based on the temperature and environment of the application.

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At Solon Manufacturing Company, we make bolting better® through the engineering and manufacturing of Belleville springs & washers used in industrial bolting applications found in industries in over 60 countries.
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425 Center St.
Chardon, OH 44024
Toll-Free 800.323.9717
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